lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014



Each country tries to show its best to the world, as does each state, region or providence, try to show the best to its a platform for women from which they can try and realize their dreams. As such,
the pageant is not just the search for an appeling face., Señorita Jalisco is a young woman with aspirations, who knows and loves both her state and country. She is a representative and model of her culture
and a proud ambassador of Mexico wherever her tittle brings her at home and abroad.
Looking to promote Mexico internationally in the early 50s, the federal government invited individual states to participe in the Señorita Mexico pageant with the goal of elevating and honoring the position of women nationwide.
In response, Jalisco created the Señorita Jalisco pageant fifty years ago and sent its first representative to the national event in 1954
The Jalisco Secretary of Tourims saw the benefit the contests would create, bolstering pride and interest in the area, promoting the state in matters of tradition, education, the warmth of its people and, of course, the beauty of its women.
Previusly, the Mexican representatives who attended the international pageants were selected from the state. The tittle then was Señorita Turismo.
 After the goverment´s iniciative, private
 enterprise soon got involved., companies interested in promoting Jalisco as a culturally rich center of Mexican tradition flocked ot its support. A sponsor group was formed and a board was created. In 1994, Josefina Ramírez, was named president of the Organizers Comittee,
She has been in charge of making the event happen for the last 20 years and show great enthusiasm about brining her pageant to Lake Chapala, which has been a personal goal for some time.

Señorita Jalisco is a non-profit group which is responsible for promoting Jalisco, one of the more illustrious and colorful states of Mexico, in the many affiliated pageants around the world.
This year, the large international pageants will be held in Hong Kong and Tokio. Beauty pageants work like associations in which member countries are obligated to send representatives and participe every year. Señorita Jalisco is a member of Señorita Mexico, which is a memberof the Miss International Pageant.

 has been great year for Lakeside. The level of Lake Chapala is still on the rise, birds have come back to its shores and the weather is a pleasing as it can get. This year Señorita Jalisco has chosen Lakeside to host their event, which will take place September,  and to broadcast to the rest of the country
on TV Azteca 11. All sorts of media will be in attendance, which makes its great opportunity for tha lake to get some of the positive national attention it needs, while serving as the backdrop to this time-honored contest.
At present, 75 contestants from 34 municipalities in Jalisco are training and studying to compete in the contest with little under two months to go.
By little coronation in ASeptember, their number will be pared down to 15 finalist who will then vie for the title during the televised finale.
Look for advertising to begin  next month. Limited seats will be available to the local public for the coronation event, which will include a lavish supper, and a variety show where Jalisco music, and dancing will be showcased.

Pic (a: Señorita Jalisco: Lovely, talented young women compete for the honour of representing their state in the Señorita Mexico Pageant, and the Miss Inrernational Pageant in Tokyo .
Below: A large part of her function is representing the interest of the Jalisco tourist industry both nationally and abroad. Srta Jalisco is a spokesperson and role model.

Pic (b: Above: Here we see a contestant singing in a traditional Charro outfit, typical of her native Jalisco. Costumes and dancing from all parts of the state will be represented in the finale.

Pic (c: Above: For 50 years the tradition of Señorita Jalisco has grown.

Below: The coronation of Señorita Jalisco 2014 will take place in Chapala in September , 2014

martes, 22 de abril de 2014

Jalisco lugar donde se desborda la belleza mexicana SEÑORITA JALISCO

Lugar donde se desborda la belleza  SEÑORITA JALISCO 2014

Jalisco lugar donde nace el primer certamen de belleza de México en 1953 siendo coronada la Señorita Jalisco  ANA BERTHA LEPE  como SEÑORITA MÉXICO y en conjunto con el certamen nacional SEÑORITA MÉXICO y Miss universo siendo cofundador el presidente de Señorita México Carlos Guerrero 

Jalisco, México Tierra donde nació la música del  mariachis que representa a México en el mundo, Tierra donde nació y es producido  la bebida reconocida en el mundo EL TEQUILA ,  estamos ubicados en  el Occidente de México, donde alberga una hermosa "perla llamada Guadalajara, capital de Jalisco ", cuna de las mujeres más bella de México por estética y exuberante bella y personalidad y estilo y valores mexicano   tenemos cinco Pueblos típicos y Mágicos con un sabor antigua y grandes casas antiguas que albergan la historia de los habitantes y conserva sus traiciones y costumbres y raíces culturales , contamos con un gran litorial de hermosas  increíbles destinos de playa que miran hacia el Pacífico.

Jalisco es el estado con mayor tradición de México; muchos de sus elementos culturales se han convertido en sinónimo de mexicanidad, como el mariachi, la charrería y el tequila. Se ubica al occidente del país y está rodeado porNayaritZacatecasAguascalientesSan Luis PotosíGuanajuatoMichoacán yColima, y tiene un extenso litoral en el océano Pacífico.
Su historia se remonta a los tiempos prehispánicos, cuando estuvo ocupado por grupos nahuas (al sur) y huicholes (al norte). Jalisco es hoy una de las entidades de mayor auge del territorio nacional. Entre sus muchos atractivos se encuentran sitios arqueológicos como Teuchitlán; la ciudad de Guadalajara, orgullosa Perla de Occidente, con sus bellos edificios coloniales y centros recreativos y culturales; Tequila, cuna de la tradicional bebida del mismo nombre; Tlaquepaque y sus finos trabajos en vidrio coplado, entre otras artesanías; Tonalá y su actividad alfarera; Puerto Vallarta, con su sabor pueblerino y hermosas playas; y no se puede dejar de lado la Costalegre y otras ciudades y poblados pintorescos que se esparcen por todo el estado.


Jalisco es un estado con una gran diversidad de climas: semiseco hacia el norte y el noreste, templado en las partes altas de la sierra, semicálido en la zona centro y cálido a lo largo de la costa.

lunes, 21 de abril de 2014



miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014


1er. Certamen de Belleza Social, Cultural data 1953 festeja con nosotros 60 años Patrocinio(33)36725462
Guadalajara, Jalisco, México